
New Patient Page

This page is for patients who have been referred for a consultation by their doctor.

It has become apparent that the main risk factors for the majority of chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes and a significant proportion of cancers are lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and smoking.

A recent large study found that 5 lifestyle factors (a healthy diet, not being obese, not smoking, adequate exercise, and moderate alcohol intake) could add 20 years of life expectancy.

Thus, by addressing lifestyle factors we can prevent (or even treat) many chronic diseases  as explained in the video below:

While medications are important in the treatment of chronic diseases, most of the public (and even many medical professionals) are unaware of the relative effectiveness of diet in comparison to drugs as this video shows:

Here are a couple of videos showing the role of lifestyle choices in chronic diseases:

It is now clear that the healthiest diet (and the only diet able to reverse heart disease) is a Whole Food Plant-based Diet (WFPB) which is made  of Whole (unprocessed) Foods, and is Plant Based (ie no animal products such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk or cheese).

Hopefully, you now understand the value  of nutrition in the prevention (and frequently also the treatment) of chronic disease.  If you need more information, please see this video and my pages on diabetes, heart disease, and cancer and review the rest of this website (overview here).

If you would like to be seen in consultation by Dr Ganguli to help you to adopt a Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) diet, please call the number on the sheet of paper you were given by your doctor (copy here) and leave the requested information so that you can be contacted with an appointment.

While you are waiting to be seen, please review this website and the video below:

Don’t feel bad it took you a while to realize this – here is the touching story of a cardiologist who realised that he had his own health problem and ended up finding a natural solution.

If you need more convincing, see the video below:

Subhas Ganguli

Dr Subhas Ganguli is a Canadian gastroenterologist with an interest in the role of food in the prevention of disease. In November 2019 he passed the Board Exam of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

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